Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

A Place to Dream

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. -Walt Disney

 We all have our own life to pursue, our own kind of dream to be weaving. And we all have some power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep believing. -Louisa May Alcott

Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one. - John Lennon

hello there! this is me writing :D I will tell you bout my dream! sooo enjoy this post folks!

I love daydreaming! sometimes I think about my self in the future, I have a fantastic life, being rich, have a privat jet, good friends, make a trip to another country such as england, aussie, canada, venice etc, I can buy anything, even sometimes I dream bout if I can fly away, it can be sooo fun!
I have my dream list, put it on the wall in my rent room, jadi lo bisa liat kalo main ke kosan gue hehe ... (malu) beberapa temen kosan gue udah liat dan mereka melakukan hal yang sama bikin list "1000 dreams" juga good job friends!

soooo this is list "1000 dreams" walaupun belom nyampe sampe 1000 :p 

1.  got scholarship study in aussie/qatar/singapore

bismillahirrahmanirrahim insyaAllah I can get scholarship study in melbourne univ .ini salah satu universitas yang masuknya paling susah di aussie tapi gue percaya ga ada yg ga mungkin soo stay positive! pilihan ke dua di Singapore Management University kenapa pilih di singapore? soalnya biar gak jauh jauh dari keluarga hehe


Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

Future Reflections: hell-O universe!

Future Reflections: hell-O universe!: " say ..."

hell-O universe!

                       say hello to me!

hellooo folks! this is me bestha inatsan ashila atau etha,bestha rrrr whatever .. currently pursuing Master of Law in University of Indonesia. angkatan 2010 .talk about my self eeer actually I dont know what I have to say bout my self, Im going to be an entrepreneur, lawyer atau ahli hukum, journalist,philanthropist etc  sooo my life goals is ..

1. do anything to make my mom happy .. am sorry mom if I always make u sad and cry I swear someday I'll make you happy and proud that you have a daughter like me 

yeaay this is my mommmmy, ms. betty! am sorry bunda kalo teteh masih suka ga nurut,ngelawan,sering meninggalkan solat, dan lain lain I promise to make you happy somedaaay secepatnya! janjiiii :D

2. do something for others ... for example by becoming a @pengajarmuda when I graduated college. I think hidup lo ga ada apa apanya kalo lo belum berguna bagi orang lain. promosi dikit pengajar muda itu salah satu programnya anis baswedan untuk ngumpulin fresh graduate buat ngajarin anak anak  sd di daerah pelosok selama setahun. ngebayanginnya aja kayaknya seruuu banget kalo bisa ngajarin anak anak pelosok apalagi bisa punya pengalaman,temen temen baru. woooow can't wait! semoga cepet lulus dan keterima jadi @pengajar muda. for futher more info please visit http://www.indonesiamengajar.org/ 
 gue akan bahas ini nanti di post-post berikutnya yaaa

                                                           look! how cute they are!
I thinks it's enough to introduce my self.. enjoy my blog fellas! xoxo

sumber foto:
